
It’s no secret, I’ve had a long-standing fascination with famous people. And while I use the term “sycophant”, it really doesn’t accurately describe my predilection. A sycophant is a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage. Oh sure, I’ve met a few “famous” people over the years, but there were never any back-alley or bedroom deals brokered bequeathing me power. No, my celebrity encounters typically entail a quick hello, autograph and sometimes a photograph. However, there was one exception...

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Walking briskly, I could finally see my destination come into view. Catching my eye, I also couldn’t miss the shiny long blue stretch limousine parked outside of a Starbucks on the corner. Suddenly, as I approached the shiny blue limo, I heard the voice. It was unmistakable. I grew up watching television shows like “Three Company’s”, “All In the Family” and “Magnum, P.I.”, so when I heard his voice, I knew right away who it belonged to. It was the voice of none other than Tom Selleck! 

I quickly scanned the outdoor seating area directly across from where the limo was parked and sure enough, there he was, in all his brilliance. Tom Selleck was sitting at a Starbuck’s patio table, smoking a cigar and enjoying a cappuccino, surrounded by his entourage. I never wanted this moment to end so I slowed down to take it all in. As I approached Tom and his handsome entourage of men he looked directly at me; I held his gaze for as long as I could, refusing to look away first. I was taken aback by how gorgeous this man still was, nearly twenty years after "Magnum P.I." went off the air. I’ll never forget what he wore; a deep blue wool blazer, bluer than blue jeans and a crisp dark collared shirt. There was nothing disorderly about him; every detail, right down to his shiny hair and bronzed skin, was absolutely flawless. In a word, he glowed. But noticeably missing was his trademark moustache.

Regretfully, my fleeting moment with Tom ended and I was forced to refocus my attention and finish my journey to Mobile Gas. If I delayed any longer, I ran the risk of being late. But I couldn’t help but think that Tom Selleck now new I existed. All was right in the Universe. I quickly crossed the street and carried on, but with a newfound skip in my step, all thanks to Tom.


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Arriving 10 minutes later at my job interview, I did the unexpected. I blurted out to a panel of perfect strangers my brief brush with fame!  I was unable to contain myself. But instead of my outburst terminating the interview, and any chance of a job, I was hired! It turned out that one of the panelists was a huge Tom Selleck fan (sound familiar?). After regaling her with my celebrity close encounter, she offered me the job. It was the first time I’d gained any kind of advantage based on “who” I knew, and not what I knew. So I guess that makes the old addage true. And thanks to Magnum, I had the P.I. (Perfect Interview)!


© Marvy Productions 2018